Samson-Med is pleased to announce the launch of an updated R&D department in close strategic partnership with the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology and a number of international research centers.
The new department is aimed to research and implement the most promising R&D projects to provide Russian patients with affordable and high-quality drugs. The director of the Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, Professor Vladimir Havinson joined Samson-Med as a deputy director for scientific work in 2019. He will lead the research projects and collaboration with international research centers.
Adlan Elikhanov, Director of Samson-Med, emphasized: “Ensuring reliable cooperation between the production, scientific and educational infrastructure is one of the priorities of both the State Pharma-2030 Strategy in general and Samson-Med Company in particular.
Samson-Med, a company leading its history since 1937, has accumulated impressive experience in the manufacture of finished dosage forms and active pharmaceutical substances from peptide-protein complexes. I am convinced that the cooperation of Samson-Med with one of the leading Russian research institutes within the framework of the new R&D partnership will allow us to achieve significant results not only for the company, but also for the entire medical community.
Samson-Med and St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology have long partnership history, moreover, Professor Vladimir Khatskelevich Havinson is one of the co-authors of the 2 company’s products: Timalin® and Samprost®.”
The activities of the new R&D division of Samson-Med are aimed at solving the following problems:
Conducting fundamental scientific and clinical research
Improving the methods of drug manufacturing
Search for new forms of active ingridients delivery.
Development of new unique drugs
Development of production programs in the field of bioregulation
Vladimir Khatskelevich commented: “Cooperation between our institutions will undoubtedly lead to high results. Personally, I am connected with Samson-Med by over 40 years of partnership. I am familiar with the technologies and products of the company, and I know that they have great potential in the international market. Many of my colleagues from foreign research institutes have shown great interest in studying the Samson-Med products, we are looking forward to the first results of the researches … ”